
Showing posts from 2025


       Hey, Long time no see. im 27 now and yes, what can i say is adulting is hard and even harder when so much ujian came at once. im married for almost 3 years and aku diuji masih belum dapat zuriat, but im okay with that because me personally macam masih tak mampu and taknak. aku suka babies tapi aku macam, larat ke aku? or sempat ke aku and the questions goes yada yada.       The reason why aku tetibe nak start menulis is... aku rasa overwhelm nak mampus. like, i can't exprees my emotion my thought and my concern. my partner sometimes dia mcm okay with that and siap bg nasihat and everything . but! the thing is, afterward dia akan amk idea tu untuk kenakan aku balik. contoh, i said aku tak suka orang cakap centu . then, bila aku terbuat dekat dia, dia UNO Reverse-kan benda tu. faham tak? . my concern, dia kan nganjing and kenakan balik. you know perbuatan tu akan macam buat diri ni not safe untuk cerita pape ke dia. him is not my safe place to bur...